How to correctly use paper cutter
Date:2020-12-08 Source: Dapeng Machinery Size:Larger  Normal  Samll

How to use a paper cutter correctly

It's not difficult to use a paper cutter, so why can't we achieve the desired results? The binding work after full work may reduce your trust to the cutting board. But please rest assured that you are not alone. Like many others in the printing industry, you may miss some small and critical steps when using a paper cutter. But we can help you there. This is a summary of how you have repeatedly used a cutting knife to achieve better results. Let's get started!

Paper cutter


Firstly, use the paper cutter correctly and calculate how many sheets of paper need to be cut. Then, ensure that the trimmer can handle all of these trimmers. Each paper cutter has its own paper cutting ability. If you try to trim too much paper at once, it will immediately make the machine's blades blunt. In addition, you will encounter those annoying rough edges. Let's face it: rough edges are not a completely popular sight. Divide a large pile of paper into smaller pieces to simplify work if necessary.

Paper cutting machine manufacturer

Other prompts and warnings

The record of the guillotine paper cutter is impressive. They can last for a long time and have been carefully designed. However, the guillotine cutter is not easy. Here are some other pointers that can save your project and avoid wasting time. Firstly, before cutting real paper on the device, please test it with waste paper to ensure proper operation. Secondly, do not remove or adjust the safety function of the trimmer unless you want to lose some fingers. We do not recommend doing so.

The price of paper cutting machines


Just like any computer you use in your enterprise, please provide some conventional paper cutters to run at the highest level possible. If the blade of the paper cutter is ignored, it may result in expensive re operation. That's because the blunt blade no longer cuts: it's broken. How do you know if your blade is too blunt? Here are some warning signs, please note:

1. The blade is broken or rough

2. Knocking sound during cutting

3. Cut the stuck material

4. Cut off edges or ridge edges

5. Reduce incorrect areas, such as undercuts and undercuts

Please replace the blade after repairing the Paper Cuttings sheet for about 40 hours. This way, you don't have to deal with blunt blades and their unnecessary consequences. In addition, some basic lubrication will help maintain smooth operation of the equipment. For example, the filter and oil of the machine must be changed every 2000 hours of use. Otherwise, your oil will decompose. And when your machine stops working normally, you will perform the same operation.