Dapeng printing machine 2023 New Year's greeting: hills in sight, but period in the future
Date:2023-01-19 Source: Dapeng Machinery Size:Larger  Normal  Samll

Dear customers, employees, and fellow countrymen

Hello everyone!

The sound of firecrackers bid farewell to the old year, singing and dancing to welcome the new year. Time quietly passes by 2022. At this beautiful moment of bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new, Dapeng Printing Machine expresses sincere greetings and heartfelt gratitude to the national customers who have been committed to promoting the development of paper cutting machines, counting machines, and other industries from beginning to end. Together with all employees, we wish the people of the city a happy New Year!

Looking back on the past year, it has been an extraordinary one. 2022 is a milestone year in the history of the Party and the country. The Chinese economy continues to face tremendous upheavals brought about by transformation and upgrading, while also facing the arduous and complex national conditions of fighting the epidemic. The continuous promotion of national policies and the fluctuating market environment are full of opportunities and challenges in this economic environment. Dapeng Printing Machine people are forging ahead through hard work. By closely grasping market factors, accelerating the adjustment of industrial structure, and through in-depth exploration and comprehensive upgrading in research and development, production, and sales, we are building a new blueprint for future development in terms of breadth.

2023 will be another year of opportunity for the development of Dapeng Printing Machine. Looking ahead to 2023, opportunities and challenges coexist, and hard work and ideals coexist. Dapeng Printing Machine will shoulder the heavy burden on everyone's shoulders. Throughout history, technology is the primary productive force; From the past, product quality is the life of an enterprise. In the new year 2023, Dapeng Printing Machine will continue to innovate in technology and achieve even higher levels of innovation in quality.

Dapeng Printing Machine hopes to create more value for society and dedicate better and more comprehensive equipment to customers and friends across the country. We must diligently cultivate ourselves in our work, grind without phosphorus, and never give up. We will dedicate our lives to the long-term development of the enterprise and the beautiful aspirations of the people for a healthy life.

Spring is in sight, and the future is foreseeable. On the occasion of the arrival of the New Year, Dapeng Printing Machine once again expresses sincere gratitude to all friends and hardworking employees who have always cared for, supported, and helped Dapeng Printing Machine's development! Wishing everyone a happy New Year! New Year's "Rabbit" flies forward with great ambition! Family happiness and good health!
