How to use the paper cutter
Date:2021-04-15 Source: Dapeng Machinery Size:Larger  Normal  Samll

With the increase in labor costs, printing factories have increasingly high requirements for the automation level of paper cutting machine equipment. It is imperative for paper cutting machine manufacturers to develop external equipment for paper cutting machines. We believe that the automation and digitization of paper cutting machines in the future will shine before our eyes. The editor of this article will first share with you a tutorial on using a paper cutting machine, so that you can understand how to use a paper cutting machine:

Paper cutting machine

Before starting up, it is necessary to check that there are no unrelated items stacked within one meter around the paper cutting machine equipment, and ensure that the screws and connecting components of the equipment are not loose. Operators should try not to wear loose clothing to avoid being caught by the machine and causing accidents.

The specific operation of the paper cutting machine is as long as the switch is turned on, and the paper to be cut can be placed normally. In this process, it should be noted that the blade of the paper cutting machine is very sharp. As the paper is automatically transmitted into the machine, the operator can only stay too close when the paper cutting machine is working.

Under normal circumstances, the paper cutter needs to be cleaned every four hours of operation. If the texture of the paper is fragile, it is necessary to increase the frequency of cleaning as appropriate. It should be noted that during cleaning, the power supply of the paper cutting machine needs to be turned off and the spindle must be completely stopped before it can be cleaned.

The above is a brief introduction to the paper cutting machine. You should have gained some basic understanding from our introduction, so friends, if you still want to have more communication with our manufacturer about the paper cutting machine, you can contact us. I believe we will have a pleasant conversation, and some of our products are of excellent quality, Welcome everyone to our paper cutting machine manufacturer to learn about our products.