Paper cutter in use process, which need to pay attention to operation specification
Date:2021-07-26 Source: Dapeng Machinery Size:Larger  Normal  Samll

After decades of development, paper cutting machines have left the history of mechanical paper cutting machines and now stand at the forefront of the times with fully automatic paper cutting machines and fully automatic programmable paper cutting machines. The following shows the different materials and blade angles of the paper cutting machine:

Type of cutting material Blade angle (reference value)
Cigarette paper, carbon paper, blotting paper 16°~18°
Industrial fabrics, linoleum, fabrics 16°~18°
Coated paper, typing paper, adhesive paper, printing paper 19°~22°
Insulating paper, polyester paper, cellophane 19°~24°
Cardboard, honeycomb paper, leather, plastic film 20°~30°
Aluminum, tin, zinc and other metal sheets 25°~35°